About me

I have a long-standing commitment to guiding people to their full potential. I share my experiences in face-to-face or online meetings. I write book articles, create videos, seminars, trainings, courses and ceremonies in various topics of life.

My gift is support and trust in the natural part of a person, which is their soul and the qualities they bring in their life. In consultations, I point out by asking questions and guiding the person to go within and find the root cause, which at just the result of imbalances and limitations in that experience. Then together we correct the cause and the problem in question changes and so does the life of the person being guided.

A strength of my personality is my kind, sincere and calm approach to the person I accompany. Encounters happen through conversation and opening up about the problem.

My life

It’s about creating, collaborating, improving and pushing your own work into a more supportive and meaningful form. Through recognizing my own personality and its gifts, I bring to this world new ideas, insights and concepts that will guide the world for decades to come. I love to step into new challenges, projects and successfully push my own boundaries of possibility.

Nature and planet earth is my great helper, where I go to take a break from the noise of the city and recharge my energy. There I find purity, diversity and beauty in its naturalness. Hiking or gathering nature’s gifts always satiates me and lifts my spirits.

I live a partnered life and have a beloved daughter. I thank my family for all the gifts I have been given to share and pass on.

I love music, dance, peace, joy, happiness and all the kind virtuous energies that help uplift me and the people I meet on my journey.

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